Monday, September 27, 2010


I am the Duchess of Malfi.
I am trying to figure out how to sleep and not exacerbate my ridiculous shoulder injury.
I am missing my friends that deserved to be missed.
I am not missing my friends that deserve to be missing.
I am missing the people I never got to know.
I am trying to find my Art Institute membership card.
I am Daniel de Bosola. Either way
I am not surviving the whole play.
I am trying to get my car out of the mud.
I am the thing.
I am colder than is prudent, but
I am not uncomfortable.
I am not reading The House of the Seven Gables.
I am not reading millions of books right night but I should be reading The House of the Seven Gables.

I was making a list. That is all
ye know on earth and all
ye need to know.

I am gone!
We are only like dead walls, or vaulted graves,
That ruin'd, yield no echo. Fare you well.
It may be pain, but no harm to me to die
In so good a quarrel.
this gloomy world!
In what a shadow, or deep pit of darkness,
Doth womanish and fearful mankind live!
Let worthy minds ne'er stagger in distrust
To suffer death or shame for what is just:
Mine is another voyage.

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