Monday, March 29, 2010

This Week's Best Thing

This Week's Worst Thing


The start of the finish.

Las Vegas is gross.

I think when people you like act like they don't know you... or don't see you... I think that's the worst thing. The absolute worst thing.


Tuesday, March 23, 2010


The sane sibling is always the one committing the killings. That particular plot twist has lost its punch.

If someone tries to sneak in my temporary room at night to try to kill me in an attempt to steal my inheritance... I've hidden a bottle of 409 by the door. I will spray them in the eyes. I will kick them in the face. I will wait for relatives to die... so I can claim my inheritance for myself... thank you very much.



I hope somebody tells you how beautiful you are. One day. I'm sure someone will. I hope you believe them. You won't. I know you won't. But I hope that, it crosses your mind... once or twice... "Maybe he means it... Maybe I am..." You'll dismiss it eventually... but I hope... that you let it linger... long enough for you to enjoy it.

This house is too big for two people. This state is too big for 6451584165498651654654642 people. It's all too big for me. Even this room. The ceiling is too high. My thoughts float up, up, up, and out of my reach.

Books, books, books. Books, books, books. Books, books, books.

Got lost. Always. Lost.



"Delicious hamburgers. So small. Too expensive. And we shan't have another. But we can have all the diet coke we'd like. But we don't want any. But we drink it all the same." - Samuel Beckett writes the dialogue for my first meal in Texas.


Blog Bummer

I was in Texas and couldn't blog.
Ima try to post some retro-active blogs.


Friday, March 19, 2010


March 18th.

Still Exist.

Check back next year to see if that's changed.


Thursday, March 18, 2010


I won.

Ate a warm hug. Apparently, it doesn't come with dessert anymore.

Even in pajamas... fabulous.

That's not how much it costs, sir, the sign was wrong. No. The sign was wrong. No. It's the wrong sign. Sure. I'll take the five dollars off. It was the sign, not the person. The sign was wrong. It is wrong. The sign. Does it matter?

Hitting the road soon.


Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Monday, March 15, 2010


All I am is the pain that throbs. Throb, throbs, throbbed, throbbing. My wisdom teeth are lacking wisdom but suggesting conjugation. At this moment, there is no me beyond my teeth.

Sleep. Please call. I miss you. And I'd like to give you back your things.

More like Poo-lie and Poo-lia.

I'm making a promise to myself not be attracted to anyone I don't want to have a conversation with.

Shamrock Shake-
I missed you.
Shamrock Shake-
I love you.
Shamrock Shake-
I can't be without you.
Shamrock Shake-
I drank you this weekend and I vomited you up and you got on my shoe, which is really a suede boot and I'm not sure how that's gonna come off and I really didn't want them but now I like them and don't want stains on them, and now I'm rethinking our relationship.
Shamrock Shake-
I'm going to miss you.


Sunday, March 14, 2010


Road trip. I'm excited by farmland. I like to stare.

Uncle Vanya was marvelous. Better than best.

Lots of walking.

What I Saw As We Were Passing
A red farmhouse;
A red that has stuck
Despite unending
Attacks on its integrity.
A red farmhouse
Surrounded by dead crops
Made golden by the
End of the sun's shift.
A storm takes its
Place in the night sky--
Dark blue, ominous,
Promising. Around the farmhouse
It's nothing forever.
Nothing and nothing and
On and on and on.
The red and nothing
Will never yield.

Poetry on blogs is lame.
That's not really a poem.
Line breaks emphasized my thoughts better.


Monday, March 8, 2010


Deep, deep underground I found myself face to face with a physical manifestation of all of my failures. I shrugged. I survived.

Things aren't getting any easier. I guess I should stop expecting them to.

Concert, lovely. Long.

I miss the people I don't see.

Craving asian buffet. Needed desperately.



Spent the evening with a group of normal people. I think it went well. I don't think anyone noticed I didn't belong. I still felt like an impostor. It was enormous fun.

Burnt my mouth on a shitty spring roll. Shitty because it tasted awful, not because of its unkind actions toward my mouth. Though... that too.

I like The Hurt Locker immensely... but it doesn't really feel like BEST picture... does it? But... WOO... give it up for ladies!

I think it's awful that there was a movie about a poor, African-American youth who attempts to pull herself out of difficult circumstances... and a movie about a poor, African-American youth who needs a white lady to pull himself out of his difficult circumstances... and that the white lady wins the Oscar. But what a good movie The Blindside would have been in 1976.

What I keep under my bed... tempts me every night.
I won't. I won't. I won't.

To be the most. To anyone.
That would be nice.


Saturday, March 6, 2010


Ate lots of pork.

Saw the show.

There's a lot of sugar in that! A lot of sugar.

Shut up, Naperville.

You're the best Alyssa I know.

Touched inappropriately.


Thursday, March 4, 2010


Lovely lunch. But, I was given the early cancelation.
Sigh. I do so love it when our lunches go to series.

Dinner : feisty.
Not fun-feisty. Analrape-feisty.
Not fun-analrape. Awful-analrape.

On the way home; got lost.
Drove in a circle. Again and again.
Such is life.


Thursday Afternoon

In the bathroom, I thought my pee smelled like poo.
Then I noticed the pile of poo on the floor next to the toilet.


Wednesday, March 3, 2010


I must stop engaging in magical thinking.
Or get much better at casting spells.

Robert Moussetis, your e-mails are not important enough to be marked urgent.

School- eh.
Work- ack!

Looking forward to no school.
Getting rejected one last time.


Tuesday, March 2, 2010

This Week's Best Thing


More than welcome.
Not more than I can handle.
